Advanced Technology

At Monroe Dental Arts, we love incorporating the latest and most innovative advances in dental technology into our practice so that we can provide better treatment outcomes for patients like you. Take a look at some of what we have to offer and give us a call to learn more or schedule an appointment!

Advanced Dental Technologies

Panoramic X-Rays

A panoramic x-ray, also called a pano, lets us capture clear, high-quality x-ray images of your jaw and maxillofacial structure as well as your mouth. This gives us the ability to get a big picture sense of your overall oral health, which can be especially helpful when we are performing emergency, cosmetic, or restorative procedures.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays come with all of the benefits of traditional x-rays, plus some major upside that’s all their own. They use 90 percent less radiation (better for your health!) to produce a clear, high-quality image that can also be shared digitally for improved coordination among your treatment team.

Cone Beam 3D Imaging (CBCT)

The cone beam imaging system, or CBCT, is a dental-focused CT scanner that gives us the ability to create a three-dimensional model of the inside of your mouth. This means we can plan our treatments with a higher degree of accuracy than ever before.

Intraoral Cameras

With our high-definition intraoral camera, we can show you exactly what’s going on inside of your mouth. You’ll love being able to see high-quality images of your teeth and mouth on our big screen and gain a clearer picture of what we’re talking about!

Want to Learn More?

Give our friendly team a call today or go ahead and book an appointment online!

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